Home of the Queen Mary's Park Residents & Park Friends Associations

Diamond Jubilee Way – Speed / Traffic Measuring

As some of you raised we had concerns over the purpose of these appearing in towards the church end of Diamond Jubilee Way last week.

Particularly if someone thought it a good idea to measure traffic speeds / volumes when the school was on holiday !!


After Councillor Moira Butt made enquiries on our behalf we have received the following statement by way of explanation:


Dear Councillor Butt,

Thank you for your enquiry.
We are undertaking a number of speed surveys around the borough. The tubes can measure the speed of traffic.
Diamond Jubilee Way was included in the list of roads to be checked as there was a recent complaint about speeding in the road. The purpose of the survey is to measuring traffic speeds rather than traffic volumes.

Paul Blunt
Transport Planning & Programme Manager.
Environment, Housing and Regeneration
London Borough of Sutton
24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JG
Tel: +44 (020) 8770 6445, Website: www.sutton.gov.uk

Still doesn’t quite explain the issue on why it was here when possibly as much as 50% of the traffic volumes but we’ve enquired further !




Dear Mr Brumwell

The tubes (Speed detectors) were installed during Tuesday 24 March and removed on Tuesday 31 March, therefore it recorded the speed and volume of traffic for the remainder of the normal school week. 

This was the earliest installation date possible and was combined with other detectors installed across the borough for convenience and cost purposes.

The results should give a good indication of the vehicle speeds near this junction, however if the speed and volume results are shown to differ significantly between a normal school day and the holidays, this will be taken into consideration when establishing a realistic average figure for a ‘normal’ school week.

We do not anticipate having to redo the survey at a later date.




Paul Blunt

Transport Planning & Programme Manager.

Environment, Housing and Regeneration

London Borough of Sutton

24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JG

Tel: +44 (020) 8770 6445, Website: www.sutton.gov.uk




Green Garden Waste Collection Service – Pay now for early bird discount !

This is a reminder to please pay by 1 April to get your early bird discount. 

Paying for the service means you agree to the Terms and Conditions – available here

Green Garden Waste Collection Service – Terms and Conditions

Click on this link to make your payment
Please have your debit card or credit card to hand and select ‘green garden waste’ from the drop down menu, then select ‘green garden waste’ from the next line and then select your bin option.

If you pay by 1 April 2015 the charges will include early bird discount as follows:
1 x 240 litre bin (standard) – £32
1 x 140 litre bin (small – for small gardens) – £29
2 x 240 litre bin (for large gardens) – £56

If you pay from 2 April 2015 onwards you will not receive the early bird discount and the charge will be:
1 x 240 litre bin – £39
1 x 140 litre bin – £36
2 x 240 litre bin – £62

The new service will start from Monday 29 June.

Once we have received your payment we will order your bin. This will be delivered to you in good time for the start of the new service. It will contain information about your collection dates and what you can and can’t put in your bin.

Please note that the current free green garden waste collection service will operate from April to June 2015, until the new service commences.

Further information about green garden waste including home composting can be found on our website: www.sutton.gov.uk/ggw

Thank you for supporting the new green garden waste collection service,

Yours sincerely
Josie Falco
Head of Waste and Recycling

Stanley Park Road Closure (Tue 17th thru Fri 20th Feb 2015)

We’ve been advised that Stanley Park Road will be closed by the junction of Warnham Court Road until probably the end of the week.

Thames Water initially were investigating the sewer collapse but it seems the sewer runs into the middle of the road and now need more extensive dig works to rectify.

Diversions are in place along Boundary Rd – Ruskin Road – (Carshalton Park Rd) – Beynon Rd – Park Hill – Beeches Ave as a diversion route.

The 154 will have to go straight on east and west at the Windsor Castle.

Thankfully its half-term so hopefully the traffic won’t be too dreadful !

November News Update

The London Borough of Sutton holds four meetings a year with ward resident associations to put forward proposals, explain current issues and, at the end of the discussion, the ward councillors present vote to accept or reject the recommendations put before them by Council officers. We are in the Carshalton and Clockhouse Ward.

In no particular order of importance the following emerged:

Banstead Road Yulefest (Friday 4th December)

There is to be a Banstead Road Yulefest on Friday 4th December from 4 to 8 pm. Looks like fun, look out for more publicity and we’ll update the website with more details as we get them.


Traffic Survey – at last !

A sum of £2000 was voted to undertake a survey of traffic flow and safety on Orchard Hill, with QMPRA to be actively involved. More on this as it progresses. Any views on solutions, such as a one way system on Damson Way and Diamond Jubilee Way  between the school and Kenny drive roundabouts, please use the contact us form on the website.

Carol Singing – Any volunteers ?

It is hoped to arrange carol singing on the new play area with a mix of pupils from Stanley Park High School and residents. Please watch the website for more information and if you are interested please let us know on the contact us page.

Council Budget Update

The efforts to save £40 million from the London Borough of Sutton annual budget are still under discussion. This is a government imposed cut and means the Council will have to almost halve expenditure from 5 years ago. You will have seen the publicity about theatres and garden waste collection, but these are only scratching the service. The problem cannot be resolved by increasing Council Tax – in order to finance the shortfall CT would have to increase by 80%, which is obviously not feasible, and anyway the government will only allow an increase of about 2% per annum. If you want to make suggestions or voice an opinion go to the LBS website at http://www.suttonsfuture.org

CCTV Parking ‘Smart’ Cars !

The CCTV cars which have given many of us penalty tickets are still operational. There is legislation before Parliament to outlaw them but this has not yet been passed.

Mental Health Facilities

There was a presentation on Mental Health facilities. It was emphasised that most care is now in the community and a chilling statistic was given that in our lifetimes I in 4 of us would have some sort of mental health problem. The plans under consideration will mean the number of Mental Health inpatient facilities, shared by six councils, will reduce from three to two. Springfield will be modernised and reduced in size, with a sell off of a lot of land, the other is Tolworth.

That’s all for this update, more to come later on the road use survey and Christmas Events

